I recently had the opportunity to play DDO. That's Dungeons & Dragon's Online for those of you who are not aware, and I have to say that it is not an "RPG" a role playing game is in my mind defined as a character driven story based game. DDO is simply another "Computer Kill Game" that you stack up favor points and gold credits to better kill things with. This in my mind is why computer games that use the term RPG by and large are a disgrace to their Table Top Role playing forbearers. Table Top is true role playing. Even when you are playing a Hack and Slash the very nature of Table Top requires you to role play your character.
DDO on the other hand requires me to click the mouse button really fast when I see red, and follow the blinky lights to the next reward point. While I could make crass comment about the digital generation, I won't. The deal being that to have the term "Role Playing" connected to your game there needs to be some sort of character development, some sort of story, some sort of drama! There are a rare few games (such as the Fallout series) that actually enable to player to "Role Play" and even then only in a limited fashion. Not that the makers of Fallout and the Elder Scrolls Series don't want to be able to make true Role Playing Games, they simply are going to need better technology, and more writers to accomplish it. Hence open sourcing Oblivion.
Hehe - a slogan "Help Computerized Role Playing - Mod Oblivion today!"
This will be the last time I so much as mention Computerized games. This blog is about Table Top Role Playing Games, Live Action Role Playing Games, and Forum Driven Role Playing Games - or as I like to call them collectively "Chamber Plays"
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