Tuesday, October 20, 2009

CompleteSRD Update10-20-09

At the time of this writing I am pausing my work on The "Complete Draconomicon SRD" to survey the scene. I have completed the dragon spells, items, wards, and prcs. As well as many of the subrules presented throughout the first half of the book. I have done all the feats (big thing), and I have only just started on the non-dragon prcs. Looking forward past the spells, domains, and items presented in the next chapters I see a n issue arise. Like a dreadful dragon's ugly head the second half of the book is mostly a monsters manual. Not only is transcribing monsters -the- most onerous aspect (to me) of working on CompleteSRD it is also where the Githzerai parts ways with the Formians.

The Formians are open game content. Concept (sans planar affiliation) is available completely. Interplaner bug creatures, called Formians. Now legally a part of canonical myth. Along with the Lich the Formians are an example of a monster that was entered the world's myths through "D&D" and chamber plays. The "Landwyrm" on the other hand .. may not be allowed to be transfered as such. Not just the monsters presented in the draconomicon, but also dragons such as Prism dragons are potentially off limits for the CompleteSRD project. I have come to the descision to avoid it. Game concepts and items, and character creation option (other than monster's with LA) are where the project is going to get shelved.

After I have "finished" Complete Draconomicon I will be switching the top priority of the project to what I have been calling the "Taxonomy" project in my head. Basically creating taxonomic style names for all feats and abilities. This project is inspired by Rary and Rolibar. Names of feats, abilities, classes, and perhaps even spells and skills will receive these taxonomies, and all "Complete" SRDs presented on CompleteSRD will utilise these Academically coded terms as opposed to things such as Power Attack. The exact details of this taxonomy is only just now begining to be formulated.

The Revised 3rd edition SRD and the Modern SRD will be improved and "Complete" versions of their SRDs with taxonomic rules applied will then go up, and at that point I will decide whether to proceed to updating the Complete Draconomicon SRD, updating the published SRDs section, or some other project. Most likely I will get the revised 3rd edition and complete draconomicon srds finished and in compliance with the taxonomy project before moving onto other published SRDs, or other projects. The SRDs that CompleteSRD links too but does not present are available. Getting the framework of taxonomy and etc strongly established is the primary goal of CompleteSRD at this time.

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