Monday, April 4, 2011

Time Management ~ 3d20 cyberpunk hero

Time Maximization

You have a character. She is a hyper computer tech, and she wants to maximize her click through rate for a monotonous task. She has a job with a tech company and they want her to implement a process and training procedure for this new task. The task is indexing and crm management for a large research company named ..Vantage! They happen to be the subsidiary of a villinous corporate cult, but your Vigilante computer hero don't know that.. yet! You are playing in a 3d20 varient of the 3rd edition Shadowrun system¹ :smile:

( :heh: ¡ this would make a good ecad article if I cut the :cheeky. ) ²

To start with a player decision would be called for. Do you want to use programing or process to streamline the process. An MPC³ would set the cognitive die to intelligence in the long term check to determine that process is the solution in this case. A player should be expected to make these desicion and save as part of the cognitive die when they make the check. An MPC does not make saves. The challenge die is set to the computer skill, and the constitution die is set to stressed due to the other long term checks that are being maintained by your hero. The check in this case is shared. As part of your player decision you also decide to use a contact to help with developing a training module for your characters efficiency maximized click path (with keyboard shortcuts). You decided to use a contact because your character would have needed to set the challenge die to profession in order to create the training module. In this case the contact is your friend and fellow player. This will be how your teo characters are brought together in the narrative of the story play. The first scene will be the meeting of you characters, and that scene will also be the location of the other two players work. They will not be involved in this long term check except on the saves. You roll 3d20.

Bam! Turns out the waiter (one of the other two players) fails the constitution save. Everyones checks go fine otherwise. The click path is made and ready for the scene. The training module is 90% made because you already have the path from another module, the specific click paths simply need to be punched in, and the fluff text is best left to Vantage anyhow :smirk: the project is all but done when you are meeting each other in the classy restaurant. Then, :smirk: the waiter (who did not call in sick to work even though he should have) sneezes ..horribly!

Now, talk. You ~ are in the kitchen.

This is the start of a game. If I had premade characters. I could. Run this game right now. As easy as I wrote this. Direct stream of thought, complete with Typos™

¹ That I am fabricating on the fly as I write this. Cognitive, Challenge, Constitution! Perfect! ¹

² No :hm: or :ha: ..dude ²

³ Mechanical Player ..Conducted Character? CC? C5 system? C7 system? ³

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